FEP-4ccd: Pending Followers Collection and Pending Following Collection





This specification defines two collections, pendingFollowers and pendingFollowing, with which users can review and manage their pending follow requests.


[ActivityPub] represents a directed social graph with followers and following properties on actors. To initiate a relationship, a Follow activity is sent from the potential follower to the followed actor, who can Accept or Reject it.

Between the time that a Follow is sent and the time that it is accepted or rejected, the relationship is in a pending state. This is not represented in the ActivityPub data model.

The new pendingFollowers collection can be used to review incoming Follow activities to Accept or Reject them.

The new pendingFollowing collection can be used to review outgoing Follow activities to Undo them.

Because the full activity data is needed to Accept, Reject or Undo, these collections should include Follow activities, and not just the actors requesting to follow.


pendingFollowers is a property of an actor. It is a collection of Follow activities that have been sent to the actor, but not yet been accepted or rejected.

pendingFollowing is a property of an actor. It is a collection of Follow activities that have been sent by the actor, but not yet been accepted or rejected.

Both properties MUST be an OrderedCollection or Collection. Items in the collection MUST be in reverse chronological order.

Items in the collections MUST be Follow activities. They MUST be unique by id.

Each object of a Follow activity in the pendingFollowing collection MUST be unique by id.

Each actor of a Follow activity in the pendingFollowers collection MUST be unique by id.

When an Accept, Reject, or Undo activity with a Follow activity as object is processed, that Follow activity MUST NOT be included in the pendingFollowers and pendingFollowing collections in the future.


The context document for this specification is https://purl.archive.org/socialweb/pending. Its contents are as follows:

  "@context": {
    "pdg": "https://purl.archive.org/socialweb/pending#",
    "pendingFollowers": {
      "@id": "pdg:pendingFollowers",
      "@type": "@id"
    "pendingFollowing": {
      "@id": "pdg:pendingFollowing",
      "@type": "@id"

A publisher can include the pendingFollowers and pendingFollowing collection in the properties of an actor.

    "@context": [
    "id": "https://example.com/evanp",
    "type": "Person",
    "name": "Evan Prodromou",
    "inbox": "https://example.com/evanp/inbox",
    "outbox": "https://example.com/evanp/outbox",
    "following": "https://example.com/evanp/following",
    "followers": "https://example.com/evanp/followers",
    "liked": "https://example.com/evanp/liked",
    "pendingFollowers": "https://example.com/evanp/pendingFollowers",
    "pendingFollowing": "https://example.com/evanp/pendingFollowing"

Retrieving the pendingFollowers collection would show incoming follow requests for this actor.

    "@context": [
    "id": "https://example.com/evanp/pendingFollowers",
    "type": "OrderedCollection",
    "name": "Pending followers for Evan Prodromou",
    "orderedItems": [
            "type": "Follow",
            "id": "https://example.net/alyssa/follow/7",
            "summary": "Alyssa wants to follow Evan",
            "content": "Hey, Evan! It's Alyssa from the conference.",
            "actor": {
                "id": "https://example.net/alyssa",
                "type": "Person",
                "name": "Alyssa P. Hacker"
            "published": "2023-06-21T12:00:00Z"
            "type": ["http://custom.example/ns/Archive", "Follow"],
            "id": "https://social.example/jokebot3000/follow/287",
            "summary": "Jokebot 3000 wants to follow Evan to archive his jokes",
            "actor": {
                "id": "https://social.example/jokebot3000",
                "type": "Application",
                "name": "Jokebot 3000"
            "published": "2023-05-07T12:00:00Z"

Note that the second, earlier Follow activity has a custom type property. Note also that the object of the Follow activities, which will be the same for every activity, is elided for clarity and space.

    "@context": [
        {"sports": "https://sports.example/ns#"}
    "id": "https://example.com/evanp/pendingFollowing",
    "type": "Collection",
    "name": "Pending following for Evan Prodromou",
    "items": [
            "type": ["sports:Fan", "Follow"],
            "id": "https://example.com/evanp/fan/309",
            "summary": "Evan is a fan of Jimena",
            "object": {
                "id": "https://tennis.example/jimena",
                "type": "Person",
                "name": "Jimena Suarez"
            "published": "2023-04-19T12:00:00Z"
            "type": "Follow",
            "id": "https://example.net/evanp/follow/214",
            "summary": "Evan wants to follow Montreal Weather Updates",
            "object": {
                "id": "https://weather.example/canada/quebec/montreal",
                "type": "Service",
                "name": "Montreal Weather Updates"
            "published": "2023-02-11T12:00:00Z"

Note that the first Follow activity has a custom type property. Note also that the actor of the Follow activities, which will be the same for every activity, is elided for clarity and space. Finally, note that even though the collection's type is Collection and the items property is items, the activities still must be in reverse chronological order.

Security considerations

The pendingFollowers and pendingFollowing collections are sensitive information about an actor's social connections. For privacy, some services and actors do not share the following or followers collections. If not similarly protected, the pendingFollowers and pendingFollowing collections could be used to infer information about the actor's social connections before they are established.

Some services or actors do not forward Reject activities to the actor of a Follow activity. Harassing or abusive actors may try to determine if the actor has rejected their follow request by fetching the pendingFollowers collection.

For these reasons, publishers SHOULD NOT make the pendingFollowers and pendingFollowing collections visible to unauthenticated users. Publishers SHOULD NOT make the pendingFollowers and pendingFollowing collections visible to authenticated users who are not the actor.


  • [ActivityPub] Christine Lemmer Webber, Jessica Tallon, ActivityPub, 2018


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