FEP-a5c5: Web Syndication Methods





This document proposes a standard for web syndication methods across the Fediverse by appending .rss or .atom to object URLs. This will allow users to easily subscribe to feeds of timelines, posts, and other objects. Additionally, this proposal addresses whether syndication methods should be applicable to mirrored profiles across the Fediverse, recommending optional but preferred implementation.

Syndication Methods

Creating Feeds

To create a syndication feed, servers must append .rss or .atom to the URL of an object. For example:

  • For a user timeline: https://example.org/@user.rss or https://example.org/@user.atom
  • For a post: https://example.org/posts/12345.rss or https://example.org/posts/12345.atom

Mirrored Profiles

For mirrored profiles, such as https://example-mirror.org/@user@example.org, appending .rss or .atom should be supported, but it is optional. The recommendation is to implement this feature to maintain consistency and user convenience across different instances.

Example URLs:

  • For a mirrored user timeline: https://example-mirror.org/@user@example.org.rss or https://example-mirror.org/@user@example.org.atom

CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication

To the extent possible under law, the authors of this Fediverse Enhancement Proposal have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.