FEP-d9ad: Create Conformance Tests for Fediverse Enhancement Proposals
This is a proposal to enhance the fediverse by creating test cases for FEPs. The proposal describes a Conformance Test Rule format that FEP authors and testers may find useful when creating tests cases as proposed.
- Context
- Proposal
- Conformance Tests
- W3C Accessibility Conformance Testing (ACT) Rules Format
- FEP-d9ad Conformance Test Format
- Conformance Test Components
- Applicability
- Change Log
- Description
- Expectations
- Glossary
- Identifier
- Input
- Issues List
- Name
- Outcomes
- Requirements Mapping
- Target
- Test Cases
- Test Subject
- Test Suite Memberships
- Appendix: Conformance
FEP-a4ed: The Fediverse Enhancement Proposal Process describes a process for proposing enhancements to the fediverse (i.e. 'FEPs').
However, this process says nothing about testing implementations claiming to conform to those proposals nor ways of making FEPs that are more conducive to consistent conformance testing.
However, consistent testing is an important part of an interoperability and accessibility on the web:
In order for web specifications to permit full interoperability and access to all, it is important that the quality of implementation be given as much attention as their development. Moreover, as the complexity of W3C specifications and their interdependencies increases, quality assurance becomes even more important to ensuring their acceptance and deployment in the market
―NIST.gov - W3C Quality Assurance Activity Initiated
The goal of this FEP is to propose a way of proposing FEPs that may lead to more consistent testing of candidate implementations claiming to conform to a FEP.
For more context on conformance, see the appendix on conformance for:
FEPs authors MAY include a conformance clause.
FEPs authors MAY Indicate which conformance requirements are mandatory, which are recommended, and which are optional.
FEP authors MAY write test assertions.
FEP authors and testers MAY write tests.
FEP testers MAY publish a FEP test as a new FEP.
FEP implementors MAY test their implementations.
FEP implementors MAY publish an Implementation Conformance Statement explaining how the implementation conforms to a FEP
Project and services claiming to implement a FEP SHOULD publish an Implementation Conformance Statement
FEP testers MAY write tests using W3C Accessibility Conformance Testing (ACT) Rules Format 1.0
Conformance Tests
Conformance Tests provide guidance for developers of automated testing tools and manual testing methodologies, to help ensure consistent interpretation of the FEP.
W3C Accessibility Conformance Testing (ACT) Rules Format
W3C ACT (spec) is a conformance test format that can be used to provide guidance for testing conformance to W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines that are normatively referenced in other standards and laws like section508.gov, gov.co.uk, and Europe's EN 301 549.
While there may be other formats for Conformance Tests, the ACT Format is sufficient for expressing Conformance Tests not only for accessibility, but for FEPs as well. This author was unable to find any other commonly used conformance test formats. At the same time, because the ACT format was designed specifically for accessibility guidelines, the ACT format may be imperfect for FEP Conformance Tests. So this FEP does not specify a strict conformance test format. Instead, it specifies useful components of a Conformance Test, most of which are inspired by similar subcomponents of ACT Rules.
FEP-d9ad Conformance Test Format
This FEP defines a kind of Conformance Test that may be used. It reuses many good decisions from the ACT Rule Format, while generalizing the format to be useful for expressing tests for things other than accessibility (e.g. FEPs).
At a high level, a Conformance Test specifies
- input required to run the test
- applicability, or whether the rest of the test even applies to the input
- targets, derived from input, that should be tested
- expectations whose assertions about the targets are tested
- outcomes the result of testing expectations for each test target
- requirements mapping how the outcomes affect claims about a test subject's conformance to any specific requirements
Conformance Test Components
Each of these components may be a part of a conformance test.
- Applicability
- Change Log
- Description
- Expectations
- Glossary
- Identifier
- Input
- Issues List
- Name
- Outcomes
- Requirements Mapping
- Target
- Test Cases
- Test Subject
- Test Suite Memberships
Applicability describes how to determine whether a test is even able to be applied to a particular Input and produce a meaningful outcome other than inapplicable
A test may have all kinds of outcomes, e.g. inapplicable
. If there is a test specified to apply to an ActivityPub Actor Object and check that it is valid JSON, and the test is run with input of a fish, it's not even possible to check the fish for JSON Syntax conformance to derive any targets or apply expectations. It's a fish. The test doesn't apply at all, and in situations like this, the test run MAY have outcome inapplicable
. The Applicability section in a Conformance Test specifies how to determine whether the test applies to the test input and, if so, how to derive the test targets.
Inspired by
An example of an Applicability clause for a hypothetical conformance test is:
This test applies to an ActivityPub Actor Object. If the value of the
input's "type" property is an array, there should be a test target for each entry in the array. If it is not an array, there should be one test target whose value is the value of theactor
input's "type" property.
Change Log
A log with entry for each change to the test over time.
For example, if a test if maintained over many years, it is likely that the editors will learn from experience with implementations and usage of the test implementations that there were unexpected inputs the test might be presented with, and then update the test inputs, target, or expectations to better handle the situation. This kind of update is encouraged, but it should be logged in the Conformance Test's Change Log.
A plain language overview of what the test does and why.
Inspired by
This is a conformance test that checks whether an ActivityPub Actor satisfies syntax requirements for the "type" property
Assertions about test targets.
An Conformance Test MUST contain one or more expectations.
The expectations describe what the requirements are for the test targets.
An expectation is an assertion about a test target.
Expectations determine test target outcomes
- When a test target meets all expectations, the test target passed the rule.
- If the test target does not meet all expectations, the test target failed the rule.
- If there are no test targets, the outcome for the rule is inapplicable.
Each expectation must be distinct, unambiguous, and be written in plain language.
Inspired by
Definitions for common terms.
The Glossary for a test MUST define each of the test's possible Outcomes.
Inspired by
a globally unique identifier that identifies the Conformance Test
The Identifier MUST be a URI.
Inspired by
This is what goes in to each run of the conformance test.
The test input is the entirety of how each run of the test can be configured.
An Input may itself have several components.
Example Input Specification
Consider a hypothetical Conformance Test that tests conformance with ActivityPub. An Input to the test may have several components, for example:
- URI - An ActivityPub Object IDauthorization
- optional string - A value to pass with each request to fetchid
The Input and its components MAY be represented as a JSON Object with a property for each named component:
Example Input as JSON
"object": "https://bengo.is/fep/d9ad",
"authorization": "mellon"
Issues List
A list of unresolved issues with the test.
Tests should be published early and often, even and especially before there are no known issues with it. The issues may be considered over time, perhaps waiting for enough information to determine a resolution, and then the test may be updated accordingly. The Issues List makes test readers aware of unresolved issues that may lead to test changes later.
Inspired by
A short label for the test that can distinguish it in a list of tests.
The name MUST NOT include HTML markup.
The name MAY have distinct values for distinct languages.
The name may be a value that is not unique amongst all other test cases. However, test names should be sufficiently descriptive to distinguish them from other tests in the same test suite.
Inspired by
- ACT Descriptive Title
- ActivityStreams 2.0 name > A simple, human-readable, plain-text name for the object. HTML markup MUST NOT be included. The name MAY be expressed using multiple language-tagged values.
Example Name
An example name for a hypothetical test:
ActivityPub Actors MUST have a valid "type" property value according to FEP-003c
A test's glossary SHOULD define every possible outcome that the test may assign to test targets as a result of the test expectations.
Requirements Mapping
When a Conformance Test is designed to test conformance to one or more requirements documents, the test must list all requirements from those documents that are not satisfied when one or more of the outcomes of the test is failed.
Each requirement in the mapping must include the following:
- the requirement
- name or summary
- uri identifier
- url to documentation
Inspired by
All parts of the test subject that will be checked by the test.
Each target MUST have a test outcome. Each possible outcome SHOULD be defined in the glossary.
From a given input, the test may derive many targets. For example, from an input that is a JSON Object, a test could derive a test target for each JSON Object nested within the input Object. Then the test, for each target, could check for conformance to a hypothetical requirement that all objects within the input MUST have a certain property.
Inspired by
Test Cases
Test Cases (i.e. test cases for the test itself) are a set of example inputs and corresponding results that implementors of the test can check to be confident they have implemented the test has specified in prose. The Test Cases may also be helpful to test readers seeking to understand the intention of the test expectations.
Every Conformance Test Case SHOULD include
- input
- targets derived from input
- outcome for each target
- how outcomes map to requirements
Inspired by
Test Subject
An overview of what kind of thing the Conformance Test tests. For example, a FEP Conformance Test may apply to an ActivityPub Actor, or another ActivityPub Object, or some part of a server that hosts many ActivityPub Objects, or it could test something else entirely. The Test Subject is helpful for contextualizing the test Input
Inspired By
Test Suite Memberships
The test suites that the test is a part of, if any.
For each test suite membership, the test should specify:
- name: Plain language name of the Test Suite
- url: URL to the Test Suite
Conformance with this Specification
Related Links
These links were helpful when researching conformance testing
- w3.org - QA Framework: Specification Guidelines
- ACT Rules Test Cases
- ISO 17000 - Conformity Assessment
Appendix: Conformance
What is Conformance?
Conformance is the fulfillment of specified requirements by a product, process, or service. These requirements are detailed in a specification as part of a conformance clause and in the body of the specification. A conformance clause is the section of a specification that identifies all the criteria that must be satisfied in order to claim conformance to the specification.
―w3.org - QA Framework: Specification Guidelines
What is a Conformance Model?
What does it mean?
The conformance model is the conceptual framework in which conformance is defined. It consists of and is defined by addressing at least these three topics:
- What needs to conform and how — hereafter designated as class of products.
- Any special designations or concepts used to distinguish conformance categories, types, etc. (e.g., profile/module/level, well-formed/valid, A/AA/AAA).
- Ways that conforming implementations can vary from each other (e.g., optionality and extensions).
Why care?
The key is to communicate to the reader what conformance to the specification is all about. The model provides a framework for implementers, describes what they need to build in order to conform, and explains the different ways that they could claim conformance. It provides users and customers with a basis on which to express their requirements.
―w3.org - QA Framework: Specification Guidelines
Why does Conformance Matter?
It is inevitable that people (e.g., vendors, purchasers) will either claim conformance or demand conformance to a technology. In fact, claiming conformance to a technology may be required in certain situations. Thus, it is important to provide a consistent and unambiguous way to make these claims. Identification of the specification version, class of products, and conformance label are some of the items that could be part of such wording.
Why care?
Having a framework, by which to make conformance claims for a particular usage of the technology, minimizes confusion by people who are interested in such claims. Many contexts use conformance claims, including legal as part of regulations, laws, or policies and commercial when selling or buying a product.
―w3.org - QA Framework: Specification Guidelines
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