FEP-e3e9: Actor-Relative URLs





"All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection" (the "fundamental theorem of software engineering")

-- Attributed to: Butler Lampson (src)

This FEP introduces an ID scheme for ActivityPub objects and collections that has the following properties:

  • IDs remains stable across domain migrations. That is, allows the controller of the objects to change object hosting providers without changing the object IDs.
  • IDs are regular HTTP(S) URLs that are resolvable via an HTTP GET request (provided the client allows following 302 redirects).

The proposed mechanism identifies objects by adding query parameters to existing Actor profile URLs. ActivityPub clients wishing to fetch the objects make an HTTP GET request to this URL, as usual, carrying whatever authentication mechanism is required currently, and then follow the HTTP 302 status code redirect in the response to the current storage location of the object.

Example Actor-Relative URL:


An AP client, encountering an Object ID with this URL makes an HTTP GET request just as it would with any other Object ID:

GET /actor?service=storage&relativeRef=/AP/objects/567 HTTP/1.1
Host: alice-personal-site.example

The server responds with a 302 redirect (which all HTTP clients are able to automatically follow) pointing to the current storage location of the object. For example:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: https://storage-provider.example/users/1234/AP/objects/567

This redirection mechanism is enabled in all existing HTTP clients by default (see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Request/redirect), and requires no additional re-tooling of ActivityPub client code.

Actor-Relative URLs for Objects and Collections

On the Client side, the main change required is in the author/controller validation procedure (since retrieving the objects at Actor-Relative URLs requires no additional change beyond ensuring that following HTTP redirects is not disabled).

On the Server side (specifically, the server hosting the Actor profile), two changes are required:

  • (Data Model change) Adding a service section to the Actor profile, which is required for author/controller validation.
  • (Protocol change) Enabling http 302 redirect responses when an Actor profile request is made that has the required query parameters (service and relativeRef params).

In addition:

  • (Not required but recommended) Implementing FEP-8b32: Object Integrity Proofs is recommended, since it helps with author/controller validation even in the case that the Actor profile host is down or otherwise unavailable.

Validating an Object's Author/Controller

Given the following example Actor profile:

  "@context": [
  "service": [{
     "id": "https://alice-personal-site.example/actor#storage",
     "serviceEndpoint": "https://storage-provider.example"
  // Rest of the Actor profile goes here

When fetching an ActivityPub Object or Collection identified by an Actor-Relative URL (that is, when the Object or Collection ID contains the URL query parameters service and relativeRef), a client MUST validate that the server hosting the Object is authorized by the Actor profile:

  1. The Client performs an HTTP GET request on the Object or Collection, as usual, including any currently required authorization headers.
  2. The client performing the GET request MUST be able to support HTTP redirection. For example, if using the WHATWG fetch API, the request's redirect property cannot be set to error.
  3. The Client follows the redirect and automatically fetches the object specified in the Location header of the 302 response (this behavior is the default in most HTTP clients).
  4. The Client extracts the current URL of the Object. This is the URL specified in the Location header of the redirect response; for example, if using the WHATWG fetch API, this is the last URL in the response's URL list, retrievable by accessing response.url.
  5. The Client retrieves the Actor profile corresponding to this Object's author/ controller (the actor or attributedTo property).
  6. The Client extracts the value of the authorized storage endpoint from the profile:

    a. The Client checks to see if the Actor profile contains the service property. b. If the service property is found, the Client searches through the array of service endpoints until it finds a service endpoint with the relative id ending in #storage (note: this is what the service=storage query parameter refers to, in the Actor-Relative URL). The Client extracts the serviceEndpoint property of this service description object. This is the authorized storage endpoint. c. If no authorized storage endpoint is specified in the Actor profile (that is, if the Actor profile does not contain the service property, or if the service property is null or an empty array, or if the service array does not contain a service endpoint object with a relative id that ends in #storage, or if that service endpoint does not contain a serviceEndpoint property containing a URL), the Client SHOULD indicate to the user that the provenance of this Object cannot be determined, or that the storage location of the Object has not been authorized by the profile of the claimed author/controller.

  7. The Client MUST validate that the current URL of the object is authorized by the Actor's profile by checking that:

    a. The Object's currentURL starts with the value of the authorized storage endpoint. b. The Object's currentURL ends with the value of the relativeRef query parameter. c. For example, in JS pseudocode, using string concatenation: response.url === (authorizedStorageEndpoint + query.relativeRef) d. If these checks fail (if the current URL of the object is not equal to the string concatenation of the authorized storage endpoint and the relativeRef query parameter), the Client SHOULD indicate to the user that the provenance of this Object cannot be determined, or that the storage location of the Object has not been authorized by the profile of the claimed author/controller.

This validation procedure establishes a two-way link: from the Object to its author/controller Actor profile (via the Object's actor or attributedTo property), and from the Actor profile to the authorized storage service provider, at whose domain the Object is currently stored.

Client-Side Implementation

An ActivityPub client conforming to this FEP:

  1. When encountering an Actor-Relative URL as an ID of an object, fetch it using the same HTTP GET mechanism that it currently does.
  2. Note: An Actor-Relative URL is defined as a URL containing the service and relativeRef query parameters.
  3. The client MUST follow the 302 redirect in the response.
  4. The client MUST perform the validation steps outlined in the Validating an Object's Author/Controller section above.

Server-Side Implementation

On the server side (specifically, the server hosting the Actor profile), an ActivityPub server conforming to this FEP:

  1. For every request to the Actor profile object (for example, to https://alice-personal-site.example/actor), examine the HTTP QUERY parameters. If the service and relativeRef query parameters are present in the request, treat this as an Actor-Relative URL Request (by following the steps below).
  2. Examine the Actor profile object for this request. If the profile does not contain a valid serviceEndpoint that corresponds to the service query parameter, the server MUST return a 422 Unprocessable Entity HTTP status code error. To determine whether the profile contains a valid service endpoint:

  3. If the Actor profile does not contain a top level service property: INVALID

  4. If the Actor has a service property, but its value is null or []: INVALID
  5. Search through the array of service endpoints (the value of the service) property, until you find a service object with the id that ends in <actor profile url>#<contents of the 'service' query param>. See sample Actor profile and request below. If no valid service endpoint is found: INVALID

  6. Assuming that a matching service endpoint is found, compose a current location URL from the serviceEndpoint contained in the profile concatenated with the contents of the relativeRef query parameter (see below for example).

  7. Return a 302 Found HTTP status code response, and set the Location response header to the value of the current location URL composed in the previous step. Note: Servers SHOULD NOT return a 301 status response (a 301 response implies a permanent relocation, and the whole point of this FEP is that Actor-Relative URLs are changeable at any point). Similarly, servers SHOULD not return a 303 See Other status response.

Example Server-Side Request and Response

Example request URL:

GET https://alice-personal-site.example/actor?service=storage&relativeRef=/AP/objects/567

The query parameters would be parsed on the server side as something similar to:

{ "service": "storage", "relativeRef": "/AP/objects/567" }

Example Actor profile at that URL:

  "@context": [
  "service": [{
     "id": "https://alice-personal-site.example/actor#storage",
     "serviceEndpoint": "https://storage-provider.example"
  // Rest of the Actor profile goes here

Example current location URL (from concatenating the serviceEndpoint value with the relativeRef query parameter): https://storage-provider.example/AP/objects/567

Example response from the server:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: https://storage-provider.example/AP/objects/567

Object Storage Migration Using Actor-Relative URLs

Actor-Relative URLs can be used as an option for portable Object and Collection IDs that remain unchanged even through migrating to a different object hosting provider (as long as the Actor ID remains constant).

Example Storage Provider Migration

Before migration, Alice uses the https://old-storage-provider.example as a storage provider for her AP objects. She makes sure https://old-storage-provider.example is specified as a service endpoint in her Actor profile.

GET https://alice-personal-site.example/actor


  "@context": [
  "id": "https://alice-personal-site.example/actor",
  "type": "Person",
  "service": [{
     "id": "https://alice-personal-site.example/actor#storage",
     "serviceEndpoint": "https://old-storage-provider.example"
  "assertionMethod": { /* … */ },
  // All the other profile properties …

Alice then creates a Note and stores it with the storage provider (making sure to add an Object Identity Proof). Example request:

POST /AP/objects/
Host: old-storage-provider.example

  "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
  "type": "Note",
  "content": "This is a note",
  "attributedTo": "https://alice-personal-site.example/actor",
  "id": "https://alice-personal-site.example/actor?service=storage&relativeRef=/AP/objects/567"


HTTP 201 Created
Location: https://old-storage-provider.example/AP/objects/567

Note that this created Object can now be fetched at TWO different URLs:

  1. The direct URL (also called current location URL), https://old-storage-provider.example/AP/objects/567
  2. The indirect Actor-Relative URL https://alice-personal-site.example/actor?service=storage&relativeRef=/AP/objects/567

When it comes time to migrate to a different service provider, the new one being located at https://brand-new-storage.example, Alice performs the following steps.

She updates her Actor profile service endpoint, to point to the new provider, so that it looks like this:

  "@context": [
  "id": "https://alice-personal-site.example/actor",
  "type": "Person",
  "service": [{
     "id": "https://alice-personal-site.example/actor#storage",
     "serviceEndpoint": "https://brand-new-storage.example"
  "assertionMethod": { /* … */ },
  // All the other profile properties …

Note that the serviceEndpoint is the only property in the Actor profile that has to change during migration.

Alice then transfers her Object to the new provider (for this example, she'll be transferring the object individually, though in future FEPs, we expect specification of APIs to transfer all of the objects in one's storage):

POST /AP/objects/
Host: brand-new-storage.example

  "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
  "type": "Note",
  "content": "This is a note",
  "attributedTo": "https://alice-personal-site.example/actor",
  "id": "https://alice-personal-site.example/actor?service=storage&relativeRef=/AP/objects/567"


HTTP 201 Created
Location: https://brand-new-storage.example/AP/objects/567

Notice that the object being stored at the new provider is byte-for-byte identical to the object hosted at the old provider; its indirect id and contents do not change.

Throughout this service provider migration, the external indirect id of the object does not change, for the purposes of all other AP mechanisms such as Inbox delivery, Likes and Reposts, and so on.


  • FEP-8b32: Object Integrity Proofs

  • Christine Lemmer Webber, Jessica Tallon, [ActivityPub][AP], 2018

  • S. Bradner, Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels, 1997

CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication

To the extent possible under law, the authors of this Fediverse Enhancement Proposal have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.