Actor Object Migration and Deactivation Syntax





This proposal extends and combines prior FEPs to define syntax and parsing rules for Actor objects which unambiguously express exactly one of the three following states:

  1. deactivation, OR
  2. migration to another URI, OR
  3. duplication at another URI.

About this Test

This is a Test Case testing conformance with the two properties of an Actor object specified in FEP-e965.

Test Subject

The subject of this test is any data claiming to conform to the specification of an ActivityPub Actor Object and to the FEP-e965 extension thereof.

This test is not directly applicable to an ActivityPub Server. An ActivityPub Server serves 0 or more Actor Objects. An ActivityPub Server for a big community might serve hundreds of ActivityPub Actor Objects. An ActivityPub Server for a single human may serve only that person's ActivityPub Actor Object.

This test applies to Actor Objects, but not all Actor Objects are addressable by an HTTPS URL. The URI that addresses an Actor Object is not the same as the Actor Object. A given URL may resolve to different Actor Objects in different contexts, and a given Actor Object may not be universally addressable across context by any one URL.


This test requires the following inputs:

  • actor - the actor object under tested
  • type: binary data
  • constraints
    • will be interpreted as JSON.
    • If not parseable as JSON, the test result MUST be inapplicable.
    • dereferenced @context array should include both terms defined by FEP-7628 to signal support for this FEP
    • if does not, the test result outcome MUST be inapplicable.


This test applies directly to the actor input.

  • If actor is not a JSON object, the outcome MUST be inapplicable.
  • input actor MUST have a @context property whose value is an Array containing the string If it does not, the outcome MUST be inapplicable.

Test Targets

  • input actor is the only test target


  1. movedTo - MUST be a URI OR an empty string, if present
  2. copiedTo - MUST be a URI, if present
  3. movedTo and copiedTo MUST NOT both be present
  4. actor JSON's @context array SHOULD include "" to signal conformance


1. How to Determine Whether an Actor object supports FEP-7628 Semantics

For the purposes of determining whether the active status and migration history of a given Actor can be tested by this test case:

  • the input is valid JSON
  • the input, once parsed as JSON
  • has an @context property
  • @context array includes the URL ""

A warning should be returned if this value is not present.

2. Property value expectations

For the purposes of determining the in/active status and migration history of a the target Actor:

  • the input is valid JSON
  • movedTo and copiedTo MUST NOT both be present
  • movedTo can be a valid URI OR not present
  • copiedTo can be a valid URI or an array containing one or more valid URIs OR not present

Property Value evaluation logic (Pseudocode)

  • the input is valid JSON
  • movedTo and copiedTo MUST NOT both be present
  • //log (malformed actor - both movedTo and copiedTo present)
  • outcome is FAILED
  • else if movedTo is present,
  • value MUST be a valid URI
    • //log (actor has migrated to $movedTo)
    • if URI is 404 //OPTIONAL CHECK
    • log ($movedTo is not resolvable)
    • outcome is PASSED
  • else
    • outcome is FAILED
  • else if copiedTo is present,
  • type MUST not include "Tombstone"
    • outcome is FAILED; log ("Cannot be tombstoned if copiedTo is set")
  • each value MUST be a valid URI
    • if URI is 404 //OPTIONAL CHECK
    • log ($copiedTo is not resolvable)
    • outcome is PASSED
  • else
    • outcome is FAILED; log ("invalid values in copiedTo")
  • else
  • //log (actor is currently active and unlinked)
  • outcome is PASSED

Test Cases

These are test cases for this test case, and can be used to verify that an implementation of this test case specification will be consistent with other implementations.

Missing @context values



  "@context": "",
  "type": "Person",
  "inbox": "",
  "outbox": ""

test result

  • outcome: inapplicable
  • optional: warning ("value not present in "@context" to signal conformance")

both movedTo and copiedTo present



    "@context": [
    "type": "Person",
    "inbox": "",
    "outbox": "",
    "movedTo": "",
    "copiedTo": ""

test return

  • outcome: FAILED, log (movedTo and copiedTo MUST NOT both be present)

movedTo set to array



    "@context": [
    "type": "Person",
    "inbox": "",
    "outbox": "",
    "movedTo": [

test return

  • outcome: FAILED, log (movedTo MUST be a functional property)

copiedTo contains invalid URI



    "@context": [
    "type": "Person",
    "inbox": "",
    "outbox": "",
    "copiedTo": [

test return

  • outcome: FAILED, log (movedTo MUST be a functional property)

movedTo set to invalid URI #1



    "@context": [
    "type": "Person",
    "inbox": "",
    "outbox": "",
    "movedTo": "Tombstone"

test return

  • outcome: FAILED, log (movedTo MUST be a URI)

movedTo set to invalid URI #2



    "@context": [
    "type": "Person",
    "inbox": "",
    "outbox": "",
    "movedTo": ""

test return

  • outcome: FAILED, log (movedTo MUST be a URI)

Valid Deactivated Actor


  • actor:
    "@context": [
    "type": ["Person","Tombstone"],
    "inbox": "",
    "outbox": ""

test return

  • outcome: PASSED

Valid Migrated Actor


  • actor:
    "@context": [
    "type": ["Person","Tombstone"],
    "inbox": "",
    "outbox": "",
    "movedTo": ""

test return

  • outcome: PASSED
  • optional: check and log validity of actor referenced by that URI

Valid Migrated Actor (Missing Tombstone)

This test vector does NOT conform to [FEP0-f2a] but DOES conform to the older FEP-7628. It is included to assist in testing the consumption of legacy migrated actors.


  • actor:
    "@context": [
    "type": ["Person"],
    "inbox": "",
    "outbox": "",
    "movedTo": ""

test return

  • outcome: FAILED
  • log ("Missing Tombstone but backwards-compatible")
  • optional: check and log validity of actor referenced by that URI

Valid Multi-homed Actor


  • actor:
    "@context": [
    "type": "Person",
    "inbox": "",
    "outbox": "",
    "copiedTo": ""

test return

  • outcome: PASSED
  • optional: check and log validity of actor referenced by that URI

Valid Multi-homed Actor (copiedTo set to array)



    "@context": [
    "type": "Person",
    "inbox": "",
    "outbox": "",
    "copiedTo": [

test return

  • outcome: PASSED, log (copiedTo contains multiple valid URIs)



An outcome is a conclusion that comes from evaluating a test on a test subject. An outcome can be one of the three following types:

  • inapplicable: No part of the test subject matches the applicability
  • passed: A test target meets all expectations
  • failed: A test target does not meet all expectations

Requirements Mapping

  • FEP requirement: - Actor Objects must express signing key as assertionMethod Multikey
  • Required for Conformance to FEP-e965
  • Outcome Mapping
    • when test target assertionMethod has outcome passed, requirement is satisfied
    • when test target assertionMethod has outcome failed, requirement is not satisfied
    • when test target assertionMethod has outcome inapplicable, further testing is needed to determine whether this requirement is satisfied


Change Log

  • 2024-08-28T15:20:36Z - tweak links because FEP slug changed
  • 2024-06-28T15:20:36Z - first draft by bumblefudge

Issues List

  • Add a test vector with signed IdentityProof that verifies using current DI spec and dummy private key